Early summer, I first began investigating these plucky eyebrow raising bites

Believing in the vast intelligence of the body and the communication that exists between our inner and outer worlds, I take my sudden craving for kraut seriously, well semi seriously anyways. While stoic boulders of cabbage command a certain kind of solemn respect, they are sulfurous and somewhat antiquated like a formal bust sitting within a poorly lit drawing room. Pickles are funny, seriously funny too. Fermented foods have been around since ancient times. Various civilizations used this preservation process as a means to improve the digestibility of foods, raise the nutritional value, prevent spoilage and alter taste and texture. Somewhere along the way food has been lost and found, discovered in various stages of break down and transformation. These happy accidents proved to be delicious and in time the environments were recreated and refined to create even more desirable flavors. Whether thousand year old Chinese eggs, buried Icelandic rotting shark, caves of Roquefort cheese or Korean hot and spicy pickled cabbage, every culture seems to have their own beloved interpretation of fermented food. Sour bites of food have a way of drawing the juices out of us, riling us up. They tug at our appetites as evident in various foods that precede and accompany a meal: wine and beer, cheese, pickles and chutneys, olives and pickled herring, even catsup. Tart, brisk, salty, pungent foods excite the palate and senses. They can wake us up. But like a good slap in the face or whiff of smelling salts, the bracing flavors can also bring us back down to earth and into our bodies.
Being in a pickle or maybe more appropriately sitting in the brine is synonymous with being in a difficult situation. While stewing and macerating within a salty solution doesn’t sound terribly inviting. It isn’t all bad. My college professor used to say that he welcomed the awkward intersection between two worlds and that the creative response was discovered within the “in between space”. The saline solution nurtures an invisible world of microbes. Suspended within this unseen world is a relationship that feeds and creates waste, composts and then ultimately regenerates. In this microcosmic galaxy creation abounds, culture giving rise to more culture. Perhaps the best advice I can think of if one is “in de pekel zitten” is to hold on tight and …pass the sauerkraut.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I could read your writing all day long!
A wonderful post.
I am a sauerkraut lover, and haven't had a bit for awhile--since the summer anyway. Summer brings out the hot dogs and sausages, and there is nothing like warmed up sauerkraut to add just another dimension of flavor to the stuff that tastes so good but is so bad for you.
Too bad no one else in my family shares this interest in sauerkraut...oh well, more for me!
ivonne, thank you I appreciate that. BTW I could eat your food all day long.
anonymous, nice to know there are other sauerkraut lovers out there. I do encourage you to pair it up with other things beyond "the dog". But yeah, they do taste great together.
Hey, I love this post a lot. I thought about the same thing sometime before. Every culture has its fermented food. Well, I go more for natural food, but if I have to choose my favorite kind of fermented food, I prefer Korean kimchi or Chinese pickled cucumbers. The rest is just too much for my vulnerable stomach:-).
hahaa - fabulous post, as always! Before I met Hubbs, I wouldn't look sideways at kraut. He turned me on to it shortly after we were dating and now I love it! I crave it often and enjoy it with many other foods as well as a good sausage. I recently found this recipe.. if you are in the mood try it.. it was fantastic!
miragree- Being Korean I love the Kimchi and chinese pickled veggies I like with noodles.
Lis- the paprika pork chops do look good, it actually reminds me of a pork dish I made once with pickles, mustard and apples. Sometimes things can sound so wacky but the flavors work splendidly together.
Knowing you for a million years, I believe it is your ingrained sweetness that allows you adequate protection from having your face permanently disfigured from the puckered up expression. Bravo on a another beautiful post.
Sher, taste is definitely acquired and if you have ancestory on your side it certainly is easier.
Jbird, no sweetness here- probably more like I possess enough pucker that it doesn't affect me quite as much as you
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