So imagine how nostalgic I became when sweet V_ lulled me back in time with news that her twin lives at Esalen in Big Sur, a neighboring town off the PCH. Already she disarms me with a bell like voice that brightens a room with mirth and a sound of purity. My new friend also possesses a gracious earthy presence of one that pleasures in plants- and she is kindness personified. When she opened up a spacious potato basket to reveal a hidden salad, I sensed that I would soon be enjoying an extraordinary feast. Tender organic greens were hand picked locally by friends and assembled by script born from the holistic coastal kitchen of that magical place. All at once a hyped up tumble of sun and movement, robust plant life, and a general feeling of satisfaction came together as overlay to the crisp vibrant greens which sat begging to be known.
I have a lot of respect for the mighty Kale, Brassica oleracea and it has graced my table for many years. But I admit that I see this cruciferous plant as uptight vigilant taskmaster reminding me to consume adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals, hydrate, and detoxify when I would rather be snacking on bon-bons. I can never entirely relax around this highly reticulated green. It may be the fact that this wild cabbage is packed to the gills with substance. It is hard to slouch around a thing so wholesome. I’ve eaten the leaves steamed and sautéed, puréed and boiled, dehydrated and juiced. It takes a proper cooking method to subdue the fibrous plant and an assertive hand to season it. But try as I may to enjoy this nutritiously dense vegetable for taste alone, I fake and I falter.
Until now--Now, kale is king! Maggie’s Kale Recipe is perfect preparation for those that fear this strong willed green. The dressing a simple emulsion of lemon, oil and Braggs Liquid Aminos cooks up raw onion and kale much like a ceviché. The result is a tussle of beautiful emerald curls lightly anointed with nutty oil and the brightness of citrus. Pungent onion and dreamy avocado rouse and round out the flavors and textures of this perfect food. Greens never tasted so good. I offer this as gift for the New Year. It is a food that captures the strength and vibrancy of life and the place that captures my heart. It seems to contain the sun, the sea and the earth, pure potency. Eat and Be Blessed.
Maggie’s Kale Recipe from Esalen Newsletter
One large head of kale such as curly, Russian red or dinosaur
½ medium sized red onion
Several handfuls of sunflower sprouts
¼ cup each sesame, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds.
1 avocado cut into chunks
1 handful thinly sliced shitake mushrooms
1/3 C of Braggs Liquid Aminos
1/3 C lemon juice
1/3 C flax seed oil
Directions: Combine the Braggs and lemon juice in a blender and slowly drizzle in the oil until emulsified. Slice onion into thin moons and marinate in dressing while preparing the salad. Toast the seeds until golden and fragrant and cool. De-stem the kale and slice into ¼” ribbons. Toss the kale, sprouts, seeds, avocado and mushrooms with the dressing/onions. Let sit a few hours to allow flavors to combine and the kale to wilt.
Only you could make something as ordinary as kale sound wonderous and new. =)
Here's to a another year of cherished friendship - Happy New Year, S.
I agree with lis... not too many people can make something like Kale sound so extraordinary!
Thanks for this new year gift (recipe)! I haven't tried sunflower sprouts and Liquid Aminos, but they all together really sound wonderful!
Happy New Year!!!
I can't imagine a more fitting way to begin a new year than with this lovely dish featuring kale. You've certainly inspired me especially since I have rarely eaten this "King" of vegetables.
All the best in 2007!
lis- Happy New Year dear friend!
kristen- Thank you, I am relieved to discover this salad, it is wonderful.
gattina- the sprouts and Liquid aminos are mainly found in health food stores. Liquid aminos is similar to a tamari or light soysauce.
ivonne-I am glad that you are inspired to eat it more. I think the italians really enjoy cavolo nero, which is a type of kale- my preferred choice. Happy New Year to you too!
Wow !! What a nice blog!
i like your idea to see things!
Happy New Year!
harlequinpan, thank you for visiting and Happy New Year to you too.
Sher- since you know that stretch of road you'll have to tell me if the salad captures the wildness of that place.
A beautiful post. What does Bragg's Liquid Aminos taste like and where would one get it? Wishing you a bountiful New Year!
hipwritermom, the Braggs is similar to a tamari (i think you could easily substitute it but water it down a tad). You could find this at whole foods or another health oriented store. Happy new year to you too!
Are these your illustrations? they wre wonderfully done! bravo!
The only thing better than eating this salad is eating it at Esalen. I leave out the avos (don't like the texture after they're marinated). I also use half olive oil and half flax oil and cut the braggs in half too. I sprinkle a good sea salt at the end. I could eat it everyday.
Great post. I especially found it useful where you stated ...
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